Rebecca Sahar

Rebecca has lived in Wakulla County since August of 2015. She considers Thomasville, GA her hometown, but she also grew up traveling to Panacea for family vacations and gatherings. She prefers to read young adult fiction, usually science fictions, fantasy, dystopian tales, and a little romance. Her favorite hobby is riding her motorcycle. Rebecca's favorite part of working at the library is helping kids find that one book that sparks a love of reading. For her, that book was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Three interesting facts about Rebecca: during college, she spent 2.5 months in Ghana, Africa doing mission work, she HATES wearing close-toed shoes because they hurt her feet (barefoot country girl for life, she says), and she loves all things Harry Potter, Star Wars, Star Trek, and Doctor Who. A dream of hers is to one day attend ComicCon in California.